Virtual Video Presentation

Virtual Video Presentations 

Video recordings (.avi, .mp4, and .flv) of virtual presentations will be played at the special session, and presenters might be connected via Skype if there is any need. Time allocated for the virtual presentations is as 15 mins for video recordings. 
Virtual presentations ought to be submitted 2 weeks before the conference for technical arrangements.
The number of virtual video presentations can not exceed 10% percent of total number of submitted studies to be presented at the conference.
As the selection criteria, acceptance date of the peer-reviewed studies will be taken into consideration.
By sending an e-mail to, you can submit your video recordings. Video size is kindly requested to be 100 Mb. Following the submission of the video recording, the presenter should add following information to the mail content;
Paper Title
Submission ID
Name Surname
SKYPE address (the mail address to be contacted).
We recommend “Camtasia Studio” program for video recordings. You can watch sample video template prepared for video recordings and easily prepare your virtual presentations. You can use Camtasia Studio program free within 30 days. 
Please, click to download Camtasia Studio program from its official web-site. Click Here.
Sample Video Template
Source: All the content above was retrieved from  



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22nd International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research, and Statistics